Express blenders consist of a number of storage containers each equipped with a metering device. The blend is created by discharging the blending components from the storage containers simultaneously and proportionally. The user enters the weights of the respective components into the weighing and data terminal or retrieves an already existing blending order. The blending system uses weight-dependent control algorithms to ensure exact blending.
Express fertilizer blenders mix by means of a sandwich procedure. The conveying volume of a continuous conveyor – belt, redler, screw – becomes “stratified” by a time-shifted placing of the blended components. After completion of the material feed or already during conveying, the layers just need to be blended intensively. The blending ratio is controlled by the layer thickness. In express fertilizer blending plants, the layer thickness is adjusted either by volume dosing or by continuous weight dosing. With continuous weight dosing, the blending accuracy is less dependent on the material properties, even with continuous blending – with drastically reduced adjustment effort at the same time.
All settings required to operate an express blending plant are stored or calculated on site in the computer. Only the entry of the target weights in kilogram on the keyboard is necessary. The coordination with the office is thus not needed, which considerably simplifies the organisation of the processing and the assignment of responsibility. The settings can be printed out via the connected protocol printer.
Express fertilizer blenders offer the possibility of equipping a storage container or all of them with a digital scale. A scale can be used in conjunction with the computer to do the following:
Protection: To ensure that stones and other fertilizer impurities do not lead to malfunctions or damage to the dosing devices, each container is equipped with a corrosion-resistant sieve.
Long-lasting and durable: Fertilizers attack the surface of metals. Therefore the parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel, wood or plastic. Electrics and electronics are housed in stainless steel boxes.
Powerful: High torques at the start ensure a smooth transition from the filled container even after a long night.
Versatile: Even liquids and solids in small proportions can be dosed rationally, both by weight and by volume.
Flexible planning: Each system consists of independent individual modules. This makes it easier to adapt to a wide variety of spatial conditions. The dumping width of up to 3.40 m is also sufficient for high-performance loaders. A content of 5 m³ is fully sufficient even for high dosing capacities and longer refill breaks. Thanks to the modular technology, any system can be easily implemented; just loosen the plug connections and the individual modules are ready for transport.
Safety: An emptying of the dosing container as well as the bridging in the container can cancel out the dosing accuracy of volume dosing units. The feed zones of the dosing screws have been designed to be extra long so that bridging is made more difficult, even in the case of slow-moving goods. Specially designed screw coils promote material slippage over the entire feed cross section. The computer receives a signal when the minimum filling level in the metering hopper is not reached. Based on the available data, the computer determines the running time until the container is completely emptied and returns to the blending process in a controlled and timely manner. If the container is equipped with a scale, the scale checks the degree of filling. Then dosing disturbances which are not due to the emptying of the container, but to other causes, are also recorded.
Entry in kilogram: The operation is very easy. Just enter the target weights in kilogram into the process computer and the mixing process can begin. The names of the components and the container assignment are already stored in a power failure-safe memory – they can be changed at any time. If there is a connection to the PC, you can also transfer the target weights via the data line. A software supplement facilitates the filling of Big Bag.
Digitally accurate: The process computer in the weighing and data terminal calculates the required conveying capacities of the dosing devices, e.g. dosing screws, after entering the target weights. Bottlenecks in the conveying capacity of subsequent conveyors – e.g. elevators, redlers or loading belts – are taken into account in the calculation. Without any further entries, the mixing process is then started and stopped after the initial start release. The data transfer to the speed control of the dosing devices and the control of the dosing process is carried out with high precision via a data bus.
Print protocol: The protocol printer on the weighing and data terminal supplies the adjustment values and settings for the current system operation. For dosing units that are equipped with a scale and are operated in continuous weight dosing mode, additional printing is supplied for: the sum of the dosed components for a day, a week etc.; the dosed weight of the component per blending order.
Material check: With the processing system from Fertiserve, you always know the material stock in the warehouse exactly. Repeat orders and dispositions are no problem.
Recipe calculation: The program calculates the cheapest recipe from the components in the warehouse on a reference basis kg/ha or kg/100 kg goods. Various restrictions can be specified.
Declaration: The new declaration routines allow the declaration of both the components and the finished multi-nutrient fertilizer; with trace nutrients and also with organic fertilizers.
Load data assignment: Load data such as size, distance to the farm and type of crop are also managed with the order data. This allows the allocation of the crop data to the orders and thus a sophisticated reporting system.
Nutrient requirement analysis: A fertilisation proposal according to the recommendations of agricultural chambers and offices serves to advise the farmer. Nutrients in crop residues and fertilizers are taken into account.
Forms: Mixed orders, quotations, delivery notes, consignment notes – a large number of forms enable safe and transparent processing.